How Smart Card Reader Technology Can Help Your Private Club

Man using Smart card reader technology to access a private clubPrivate clubs can face a lot of security challenges. These might range from ex-members gaining access to facilities (especially people expelled for a reason), employees behaving badly, to people thinking your club has a lot of money on site (whether it does or not).

Physical security is often deemphasized these days in favor of cybersecurity concerns, but it is as important as ever. Smart card reader technology can help solve many problems. Here are some challenges that you might be facing that can easily be solved by upgrading to smart cards.

Removing Credentials

When somebody ceases to be a member in good standing, traditional security methods require them to turn in their access credentials. If the person concerned is being removed for cause, they may well refuse to do so.

Keeping track of who is up -to-date on their dues and denying them access is another challenge. Smart cards address this problem by allowing you to remotely revoke access without any need to collect keys or cards. Access can then easily be restored if the person pays up.

Keeping Members and Employees Separate

You don’t want members to wander into employee areas, for safety reasons if nothing else. Along the same lines, you may not want staff to access certain areas of the club when it is open, in order to protect your members’ privacy.

Smart card reader technology lets you use the same access system for employees and members, while ensuring that nobody has access to areas of the club they shouldn’t. The same system can also let you give premium access to membership tiers. For example, your Gold tier might get access to the gym at off-peak hours while Platinum members get it 24/7. Smart card systems can be set to handle this automatically.

Ensuring All Entrances Are Protected

Another very common issue is rear entrances, employee entrances, etc, not being properly protected. Some of these issues have to be dealt with through training, such as ensuring that people know not to prop a door open when they step outside to smoke.

Card access systems apply equally to all entrances to your building and ensure that doors are never left unlocked and unattended. This includes the entrance that is most often forgotten: the loading bay.

Tracking Who Is At The Club

As each card is mapped to a specific person, you can keep track of who is at your club at any given time. If there is any kind of incident, this allows you to quickly narrow down who might be responsible or who might need help.

Mobile access systems can be even better, as people are less likely to lose their phone and have it picked up by somebody else. Unmarked cards, however, are unlikely to be stolen and used as hopefully the thief will not know what they are for.

In the event of an emergency, card tracking can also be used to ensure that everyone who was in the building safely evacuates. Not only does this help protect your members, but it lessens risk to first responders by ensuring that they don’t go into the building looking for somebody is safe.

Selling Security

Club members want a safe, secure, and quiet environment, free of bad actors. They want to know that they can leave stuff in their locker without it being stolen, that they can trust your staff, and that they don’t have to worry about intruders. Card-based security systems help provide this, and are also typically more convenient for your members.

Safety and security are high priorities in today’s world. Upgrading to a card-based access system can help you better control member and employee credentials, track who is present, and sell your club to prospective members. To find out more, contact Card Lock today.

Access Control, key card access
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